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The Unexpected Role of a Realtor: A Story of 3:20 AM Emergency

Laura Lee Cahal

The CMN Way - Luxury Service Always

In the early hours of the morning, a long-time client faced an unusual situation: an alarm blaring without intrusion, caused by a tree crashing through a window due to strong wind and rain.

In moments of crisis, who do you turn to? For this client, the answer was clear: their realtor. Despite the late hour, they knew their realtor would be there, offering support beyond the typical realms of real estate transactions.

With the police on their way, the client reached out to their realtor. The response was prompt and reassuring. Arrangements were swiftly made to secure the property, coordinate with reliable contractors, and navigate insurance claims.

This story highlights the crucial role of a realtor in providing support and guidance during unexpected events. Realtors serve as reliable sources of assistance, offering peace of mind and assistance when homeowners need it most.

So, when faced with adversity in the dead of night, remember: your realtor is there to help, ready to lend a hand whenever you need it.